The King of Fighters

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  1. Di'Anno

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    Altre robe dai finali

    SPOILER (click to view)
    Ash da bambino con la madre, che è uguale a lui solo che ha le tette
    Ash ed Elisabeth da ragazzi

    Una volta KoF non era roba con aristocratici francesi come protagonisti, che palle :alienff:
  2. -kyo-

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    CITAZIONE (Di'Anno @ 15/7/2010, 13:32)
    Altre robe dai finali

    SPOILER (click to view)
    Ash da bambino con la madre, che è uguale a lui solo che ha le tette
    Ash ed Elisabeth da ragazzi

    Una volta KoF non era roba con aristocratici francesi come protagonisti, che palle :alienff:

    quoto LOL
    comunque nel vedere quegli screen ho una brutta senzazione.....non è che ci becchiamo il J-Pop vero????? :argh:

    omg la DM di Dark Ash è la Neomax di Elisabeth con l'inchiostro Nero
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    special ending confermati :rox: :rox:
    più nuove impressioni e Taunts
    SPOILER (click to view)
    And yes it's a head swap for Takuma.
    Ryo doesn't have a hidden palette set.

    Andy also has a hidden palette set and it *kind of * gives him a face swap; he wears a ninja-nose-mask very much like that of Eiji Kisaragi's. Technically, it's just a color swap on a part of his face. Also, there's selections that changes color on the upper half of his face instead, making him look like he's wearing a Zoro mask.

    K' has a hidden palette set as well, and although it doesn't change his face or anything, the colors are quite ridiculous. You normally can't see it, but the developers apparently split the coloring of his body into four different sections: The left leg, right leg, left body, and right body.

    So... leave it to SNKP to take full advantage of that situation, in the weirdest possible way. In one of the colors, K' looks like a fighting Windows Logo. And no, it was too ugly to take a shot of.

    Joe and Ralf apparently have hidden palettes as well (unconfimed).

    Also, I forgot to mention that all 10 of the color selections change for anyone that has a hidden palette set. So in the case of Raiden, he has 10 color variations/costumes where he's not wearing his mask. One of them gives him black hair.

    Kim- Does a series of kicks, then glitters his teeth
    Hwa- Fake drink move; jumps up to grab his bottle, but doesn't catch it
    Raiden- FF2 taunt; Cmoooon!
    Iori- Classic 95 taunt where he leans forward
    Vice- Twirls around her neck like she's bored and needs a massage
    Mature- Puts her hand across her face
    Mai- crouches towards the screen a bit and wobbles around her chest
    Yuri- Looks towards the screen and randomly does one of three variations: looks normal, looks surprised with big round eyes, does a peace sign
    King- Holds a rose, then tosses it in front of herself and kicks it at opponent (no hit detection)
    Ryo- Powers up his chi like in the AOF series
    Robert- Same as Ryo
    Takuma- Old AOF2 taunt (I think)
    Maxima- Does something that looks like his 99 intro where he analizes his enemy, but looking towards the screen, and without as much artwork done on the graphics
    K'- Forgot his taunt. But he takes off his shades in his victory pose.

    4. Bosses
    Saiki is weird. He's really tough to beat with some characters, and really easy with some others. In particular, it's extremely easy to beat him with characters that have a good attack that goes forward but ends you a short distance away after a guard, like Andy's Zaneiken, Terry, or Kim (Hangetsuzan). Some characters like Yuri can even get a perfect because the CPU just doesn't react well to it. Basically, it trys to counter with its special throw and fails. Dark Ash has the same problem, though he does another move instead.

    The first half of the game's ending is the same for everyone. The details can be seen in the tweetphotos above but here's a synopsis: Saiki trys to fully posess Ash's body but Ash resists him, standing firm and not moving. Saiki is left screaming for his life in Ash's body, telling him to step into the gate so that they can return back in time and start over. Elizabeth calls Ash's name. Ash overpowers Saiki's posession, and takes his last seconds to smile to Elisabeth, telling her that he made a mistake at the very end and it's time for him to go. Ash fades away from existance. Elishabeth is left shouting, and the screen turns back to the Stadium. Time starts to move again, and Rose finishes her closing ceremony speech. The screen fades black, and the team-specific ending begins.

    BTW, Dengeki Online previously reported that King plays an important role in the game's storyline. But so far she feels like any other character.

    King team's ending is pretty much like a de ja vu of a few endings in past KOF games, nothing really new. They're at PaoPao Cafe and celebrating with a bunch of other female characters including Vanessa, Marin, Jenet, Xianfei, Kasumi, and Hotaru. They start heating into an argument with Jenet and a few others, poking fun at how she couldn't even make it to the tournament. Hotaru looks worried and asks Richard Meyers if things are ok. Meyers looks at them like it's something that happens all the time and sighs.

  3. Di'Anno

    User deleted

    Ho visto un po' di finali

    e si spiega perchè nel codice di KoF XII c'è lo slot "Iori 98"
    SPOILER (click to view)
    Ash muore lui si ripiglia la magatama e quindi le fiamme :rox:

    comunque dopo aver visto un po' di video devo dire che quello che si preannunciava come un finale epico è stato un po' deludente

    cioè, tutta la storia di Ash sembrava bellina ma alla fine hanno rovinato tutto con un finale abbastanza scontato

    SPOILER (click to view)
    Da Ash bastardo che ruba i poteri a Chizuru e a Iori prendendoli alle spalle ad Ash che in realtà è buono e si sacrifica per tutti .-.

    cioè una cosa su cui molti fan avrebbero scommesso

    Spero che i prossimi KoF (se ne faranno ancora eh) non abbiano storia ed i finali siano tutti roba scema piena di fan service

    Spero anche che dopo la fine di questa saga i personaggi "centrali" di KoF tornino ad essere Kyo e Iori :ahsisi:

    e spero che non si inventino altre cazzate di aristocratici francesi e che tornino vecchie conoscenze che a questo kof sono mancate

  4. -kyo-

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    SPOILER (click to view)
    Da Ash bastardo che ruba i poteri a Chizuru e a Iori prendendoli alle spalle ad Ash che in realtà è buono e si sacrifica per tutti .-.

    in effeti a me sto finale mie è puzzato un po Fanservice.....
    poi spero che non abbiano lasciato le domande di kof Xi in sospeso io voglio ancora capire qual'è la missione di Ash ed Elisabeth.
    Il fatto che però la trama si era fatta interessante però è VERO

    se non volete rovinarvi la sorpresa non guardatevi lo spoiler :nono:
  5. Nefarious Fusion

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    lo stesso utente ha gi ending di altri team.

    SPOILER (click to view)
    mi sono spoilerata l'ending dell'Art Of Fighting Team :ph34r:
  6. -kyo-

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    CITAZIONE (Nefarious Fusion @ 21/7/2010, 22:12)
    lo stesso utente ha gi ending di altri team.

    SPOILER (click to view)
    mi sono spoilerata l'ending dell'Art Of Fighting Team :ph34r:

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    LOL io me li sono spoilerato tutti usando la scusa del "non sò il giapponese :ahsisi:

    new video scon casual versus del Team di sviluppo .....notare la chicca finale di Elisabeth :8):
    inoltre si è scoperto che:
    -Mature ha forse una infinite Combo
    Death Row x3 (Drive Cancel)> Despair> do Despair's extra attack at the apex of its hop> Death Row x infinite at its fastest timing

    -a Vice non hanno aggiustato un Glich che era stato scoperto nelle Location Test
    per chi volesse vederlo

    -le immagini di Elisabeth ed Ash giovani vengono dal finale di Kyo-Ash-Iori
    e le scritte provengono da una poesia di nome Pippa Passes di Robert Browning(tra l'altro sta poesia viene citata in Evangelion e Black Lagoon)
    The year's at the spring,
    And day's at the morn;
    Morning's at seven;
    The hill-side's dew-pearled;
    The lark's on the wing;
    The snail's on the thorn;
    God's in his Heaven -
    All's right with the world!

    prima Nietzche in Tekken,ora questo....che è sta mania di citare famosi Poeti e Filosofi ?? :alienff:
  7. Nefarious Fusion

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    SPOILER (click to view)

    sai che ti farò del male per questa icona?


    ma forse anche no
  8. -kyo-

    User deleted

    altre info random
    -Match di qualificazione del Tougeki,apparte qualche combo spettacolare nulla di interessante ma al minuto 6:38 avrete il piacere(?) di vedere l' Infinite di Mature

    -Match from Wild West ,sono tre ma gli altri ve li cercate

    -è il momento della Tier list per il momento non è definitiva ma per chi interessa...
    SPOILER (click to view)
    K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

    Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

    Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

    Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

    Ralf, Joe

    in un certo senso meno male che è provvisoria anche perchè tutti MID mi pare strano :ph34r:

    -turno dei Bug e Glich,Vice sembra volersi aggiudicare il premio per il psg più buggato di KOF
    1. Hwa Jai's levitation
    This bug, which can be activated while doing Hwa Jai's special move, causes the character the fly off the screen. According to Tougeki, the player that triggers this bug will be disqualified.

    2. Vice's "Splash" Special Move Fisticuffs Lock
    If the player uses Vice's "Splash" move and then begins trading ground attacks with their opponent, the opponent's character will get stuck in stun animation. The match will end only when time runs out. Tougeki states that the player playing as Vice will be disqualified.

    3. Vice's "Overkill" Special Move Renders Certain Characters Unplayable
    The combination of using the "Overkill" and a throw move to recovering character, causes these characters to become unplayable: Iori, Vice, Shen, Mature, Terry, Andy, Takuma, Ash, Mai and Maxima. Once again, the player playing as Vice, Tougeki notes, will be disqualified.

    4. Ralf Jones' Neo Max Move Bug
    Having Ralf use his Neo Max move to trade hits with any character in mid-air cause the opponent to get stuck floating. Players using Ralf will not be disqualified for this, Tougeki states, but will be required to bring their opponent back by using a weak jump attack. Then the match can resume.

    -Dialogo fra Kula e Benimaru :uhuh:
    SPOILER (click to view)
    B:10,no make that more 5 years....14 is stiil more young..
    K:What?What are you Talking about?You Talking about me?
    B:Man,Iwould like to meet you 5 years after.That will be so much better
    K:Better?How Come?What happend after 5 Years?Come on tell me

    l'Utente non ha messo l'ultima frase in quanto Benimaru dice una porcata o qualcosa del genere :peo:

    -Blog uppato riguardo i costumi alternativi...
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    Not exactly a precise translation, since you folks know already I'm an unbalanced indivual, hyo hyo. I also don't like words per words translations, unless it's for an opera or something. I didn't include some small details because they didn't interested me enough.

    There is also the chance that I got some things backwards since I'm special

    The answers come from Yamaguchi, the art producer of the game.

    - What is the concept of "alternative character" (裏カラー)?

    Alternative characters are in KoF XIII as part of some "gameplay elements" that I have been trying to include since long and is there only for fun, even though it was something a little unreasonable, I'm happy to say that it actually ended up being done quite satisfactory.

    - How was this done?

    The team responsible for the dotting are of the characters was more or less instructed to create several dot seccion areas for the characters, and the characters where more or less constructed by "leaving out" the color from the dot areas that don't belong to what you selected at that given time. This type of effect can also be reflected on the Special KO animations from Yuri and King

    - And the idea behind the alternative color?

    This idea has been in consideration since long ago. Initially we would have been happy only with Big Bear and Mr Karate. Eventually thoughts about Yuri's lost ponytail struck us and then a lot of another ideas started popping out. It was certainly a lot of work to achieve in so very little time, and it added a lot of work hour to the designers, that pretty much shows how we had a tight schedule until the end (har har)

    - How was the fan reaction to this feature?

    This little feature was pretty much thought of thanks to the fan reaction. When fans selected Joe or Ralf 10th colors at the location test I wanted to gather input, but having thought a 10th special color for these two very low usage characters was quite a miscalculation (har har)
    During the Shinjuku location test several players where using Ralf in his carno pants, and when Joe's tiger pant where discovered, they started to show up all over the place.
    At time time, the main producer was working like crazy in the reported bugs and testing the sturdiness of the game and increasing the programmers work hour at that time would have been difficult, as that the main producer Kikuno told me how the those 10th colors input was pretty much interesting, and that if I wanted to add more work to the team on that then it would be entirely my call. Yamaguchi being not a programmer but a producer, agreed instantly.

    - Working as the producer may have been quite stressing... Any thoughts on the alternative colors?

    Andy -> "That's definitely a ninja", it was carefully thought with darker palettes and a better variation of colors.
    Joe -> "Just... What's with that color?" we wanted to give that expression

    - One animal is creeping out in Osaka, lovely isn't it?

    Raiden -> Big bear is it. During development there it was an argument over black basic colors or blue basic colors for this character, we had to go back to fatal fury 2 to check that one out.

    - We can't possible overlook our main masked fighter

    Takuma -> Mr Karate. Mr Karate and Big Bear where decided from the start since they are different set of characters. In order to achieve the frightening feeling of the color of a Tengu we choose really different colors for this one.

    Ralf : This camouflage patter game much more problems than what I originally thought, since the start this color was decided due to some amazing illustrations that Eisuke Ogura showed to us and right away we thought "that's cool".

    - Desert partern camouflage If doing camouflage in hight def can be a pretty mean handy work compared to coloring him grey, that's what I honestly believe.

    Yuri -> Her new hair cut was well liked, but in development many people made an statement on how it was missing and thus some different mindsets where created with like and dislike. We worked on including all of the 4 original AoF 2 color palettes.
    K' -> Modifications made for him to be a masterpiece by the producer, that's what we thought when we saw him. His 10th color is an tribute to a popular card game. (Toxico -> so it's not a windows reference )

    - Lastly a thank you.

    As a developer, I expect that those 10 extra colors will turn characters into "unexpected" feeling. Extra coloring these 7 characters was quite fun... Now working on the other 24 on the other hand would be... (laughs)

    - A big thank you for Yamaguchi, certainly I think that everyone thanks him for his work as well.

    Yamaguchi: .... (laughs)

    For those 10 colors we really wanted fans to "explore". Next update will be about the stages.

    -Uscito ufficialmente il mook è...........
    SPOILER (click to view)
    Teamups with a special illustration after the credits
    Already discovered:
    Ash Kyo K'
    Athena Yuri Kula
    Elisabeth Mai King
    Ash Duolong Shen

    Not yet on Net:
    Benimaru Robert Andy (Sub hero team)
    Hwa Chin King (Booze team)
    Goro Raiden Maxima (Giant men team)

    Changing the stage music
    In the beginning of the match, hold on the start button until the fight begins. The music will change to the opponent team's theme from KOFXI. Exceptions are Kim's team (KOF96 theme) and Female team (KOF2003 theme).

    Last boss path
    Score determines whether there's a boss battle after the 6th match during single player mode. Get over 2.5 mil points.

    concept personaggi
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    The mook doesn't have Adel. There are however, flat, Rumblefish-like sprites of two unused characters (same way we saw Rumblefish-style sprites for everyone from XII in the Encyclopedia), both really cool.

    One is a Yagami-team member that has a Vice-esque stance (her other stance) and haircut. He looks kind like K9999 dressed in a long suit (not him, though - he has a "Yakuza crossed with a J-Rocker" feel) and the other is a Magaki/Saiki-looking boss in a wedding-gown-like outfit. They're both very angular, pure Nona. Lots of personality.

    This adds up to five characters that got into early spriting that got scrapped.

    The original version of Kula has a flatter chest, sharper angles and her hair is bulkier/cuter. From waist up looks definetly better than what we got. Legs are exactly the same, though. Mai looks more agressive (sharper angles, asian eyes, same pose but leaning more to the enemy), and you see more of her breasts. She looks like she means business, not friendly like the final version.

    ho finito :ph34r:
  9. Di'Anno

    User deleted

    KoF XIII arcade ha venduto bene, adesso vediamo se ottengono buoni risultati anche su console...
  10. -kyo-

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    CITAZIONE (Di'Anno @ 12/9/2010, 17:55)
    KoF XIII arcade ha venduto bene, adesso vediamo se ottengono buoni risultati anche su console...

    yup,pare propio di si
    SPOILER (click to view)

    sono contento,almeno non è Fail come Kof XII peccato però per i 2000 e passa bug di merda
    tale va mettiamo un po di video

    combo video di vari personaggi,buona parte di queste sono death combo
    Mature fatti da parte ora anche Joe ha un infinite

    ci sono anche alcune combo di Kyo e Benimaru

    video delle qualificazioni per il Tougeki con i tizii della 98 crazy encyclopedia all'opera

  11. Di'Anno

    User deleted

    se non ci sono i bug non è kof :ahsisi:
  12. -kyo-

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    CITAZIONE (Di'Anno @ 13/9/2010, 12:31)
    se non ci sono i bug non è kof :ahsisi:

    ma non era un KOf se non c'erano glich e infinte
    Semi finali e Finale del Tougeki

    questo Drop Kick neccesita di una bella Nerfata poco ma sicuro
  13. Di'Anno

    User deleted

    Pare che siamo alla fine di KoF, nel senso che il nuovo presidente di SNK sta chiudendo la divisione videogiochi, lo stesso port di KoF XIII è a rischio.

    Quindi a meno che qualcuno (tipo Arc System o Capcom...) non compri la licenza KoF è morto.

    Se il XIII deve essere l'ultimo spero che almeno arrivi su console...

    I have confirmation of Kukino leaving. French contact that made interview of Kukino contacted him in the beginning of january and kukino admited it. We didn't spread the info as we considered Kukino would admit it himself when the time was right.

    More than that, SNKP president wants to close video game section. Here the message i sent to other sites :

    It's Neithan from 2HP.

    You probably heard of the departure of kukino, the game director of kof XIII from snkp. SpekSNK supposed it was a rumor but I can confirm it to you.

    One of my contact in Japan did the interview of Kukino for french website Neo Arcadia and contacted him when the tweets of the ancient programmer came out on the web. Kukino confirmed he left SNKP in novembre so it's not a rumor anymore.

    Besides, two contacts confirmed to me that the new president of SNKP, Ryo Mizufune, wants the video games section to be shut down. He wants to live from license exploitation (queen's blade, kof sky stage) and his influence is one of the things that made Kukino leave the company. It could be possible that many people from the dev team quit too.

    The port of Kof XIII is compromised but more than that it's kof that is compromised. It's possible that Kof XIII could be the last one of the saga.

  14. -kyo-

    User deleted

    EVVAIIIIIIIIIII sta fallendo pure la Snk Playmore
    (no aspetta, solo la sezione Game, quella Slot rimane e col cavolo che la chiudono ._.)
    comunque che tristezza, spero che cambino idea (anche se mi pare impossible all 99,9 periodico)
    Se il XIII deve essere l'ultimo spero che almeno arrivi su console...

    Idem,speriamo bene ç_ç
    ps: ma la sezione mobile rimane? °u°
  15. Di'Anno

    User deleted

    Comunque è da un po' di mesi che la gente che lavorava alla SNK nel settore videogiochi mandava messaggi su twitter dopo aver lasciato il lavoro e scrivevano che lavoravano in condizioni disastrose

    del tipo che il port di KoF XII l'hanno fatto in quattro persone in condizioni disumane o qualcosa del genere :ahsisi:

    comunque oltre al producer di KoF ha lasciato anche il producer di Metal Slug, quindi credo che siamo proprio alla fine

    bisogna vedere se adesso qualcuno ha interesse a prendere in mano KoF o la altra roba SNK

    onestamente dopo il flop di KoF XII penso che la migliore delle ipotesi sia il port del XIII senza aggiunte rispetto alla versione arcade e poi la morte della serie
390 replies since 13/9/2008, 09:04   5945 views