The King of Fighters

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  1. -kyo-

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    altre info random
    -Match di qualificazione del Tougeki,apparte qualche combo spettacolare nulla di interessante ma al minuto 6:38 avrete il piacere(?) di vedere l' Infinite di Mature

    -Match from Wild West ,sono tre ma gli altri ve li cercate

    -è il momento della Tier list per il momento non è definitiva ma per chi interessa...
    SPOILER (click to view)
    K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

    Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

    Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

    Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

    Ralf, Joe

    in un certo senso meno male che è provvisoria anche perchè tutti MID mi pare strano :ph34r:

    -turno dei Bug e Glich,Vice sembra volersi aggiudicare il premio per il psg più buggato di KOF
    1. Hwa Jai's levitation
    This bug, which can be activated while doing Hwa Jai's special move, causes the character the fly off the screen. According to Tougeki, the player that triggers this bug will be disqualified.

    2. Vice's "Splash" Special Move Fisticuffs Lock
    If the player uses Vice's "Splash" move and then begins trading ground attacks with their opponent, the opponent's character will get stuck in stun animation. The match will end only when time runs out. Tougeki states that the player playing as Vice will be disqualified.

    3. Vice's "Overkill" Special Move Renders Certain Characters Unplayable
    The combination of using the "Overkill" and a throw move to recovering character, causes these characters to become unplayable: Iori, Vice, Shen, Mature, Terry, Andy, Takuma, Ash, Mai and Maxima. Once again, the player playing as Vice, Tougeki notes, will be disqualified.

    4. Ralf Jones' Neo Max Move Bug
    Having Ralf use his Neo Max move to trade hits with any character in mid-air cause the opponent to get stuck floating. Players using Ralf will not be disqualified for this, Tougeki states, but will be required to bring their opponent back by using a weak jump attack. Then the match can resume.

    -Dialogo fra Kula e Benimaru :uhuh:
    SPOILER (click to view)
    B:10,no make that more 5 years....14 is stiil more young..
    K:What?What are you Talking about?You Talking about me?
    B:Man,Iwould like to meet you 5 years after.That will be so much better
    K:Better?How Come?What happend after 5 Years?Come on tell me

    l'Utente non ha messo l'ultima frase in quanto Benimaru dice una porcata o qualcosa del genere :peo:

    -Blog uppato riguardo i costumi alternativi...
    SPOILER (click to view)
    Not exactly a precise translation, since you folks know already I'm an unbalanced indivual, hyo hyo. I also don't like words per words translations, unless it's for an opera or something. I didn't include some small details because they didn't interested me enough.

    There is also the chance that I got some things backwards since I'm special

    The answers come from Yamaguchi, the art producer of the game.

    - What is the concept of "alternative character" (裏カラー)?

    Alternative characters are in KoF XIII as part of some "gameplay elements" that I have been trying to include since long and is there only for fun, even though it was something a little unreasonable, I'm happy to say that it actually ended up being done quite satisfactory.

    - How was this done?

    The team responsible for the dotting are of the characters was more or less instructed to create several dot seccion areas for the characters, and the characters where more or less constructed by "leaving out" the color from the dot areas that don't belong to what you selected at that given time. This type of effect can also be reflected on the Special KO animations from Yuri and King

    - And the idea behind the alternative color?

    This idea has been in consideration since long ago. Initially we would have been happy only with Big Bear and Mr Karate. Eventually thoughts about Yuri's lost ponytail struck us and then a lot of another ideas started popping out. It was certainly a lot of work to achieve in so very little time, and it added a lot of work hour to the designers, that pretty much shows how we had a tight schedule until the end (har har)

    - How was the fan reaction to this feature?

    This little feature was pretty much thought of thanks to the fan reaction. When fans selected Joe or Ralf 10th colors at the location test I wanted to gather input, but having thought a 10th special color for these two very low usage characters was quite a miscalculation (har har)
    During the Shinjuku location test several players where using Ralf in his carno pants, and when Joe's tiger pant where discovered, they started to show up all over the place.
    At time time, the main producer was working like crazy in the reported bugs and testing the sturdiness of the game and increasing the programmers work hour at that time would have been difficult, as that the main producer Kikuno told me how the those 10th colors input was pretty much interesting, and that if I wanted to add more work to the team on that then it would be entirely my call. Yamaguchi being not a programmer but a producer, agreed instantly.

    - Working as the producer may have been quite stressing... Any thoughts on the alternative colors?

    Andy -> "That's definitely a ninja", it was carefully thought with darker palettes and a better variation of colors.
    Joe -> "Just... What's with that color?" we wanted to give that expression

    - One animal is creeping out in Osaka, lovely isn't it?

    Raiden -> Big bear is it. During development there it was an argument over black basic colors or blue basic colors for this character, we had to go back to fatal fury 2 to check that one out.

    - We can't possible overlook our main masked fighter

    Takuma -> Mr Karate. Mr Karate and Big Bear where decided from the start since they are different set of characters. In order to achieve the frightening feeling of the color of a Tengu we choose really different colors for this one.

    Ralf : This camouflage patter game much more problems than what I originally thought, since the start this color was decided due to some amazing illustrations that Eisuke Ogura showed to us and right away we thought "that's cool".

    - Desert partern camouflage If doing camouflage in hight def can be a pretty mean handy work compared to coloring him grey, that's what I honestly believe.

    Yuri -> Her new hair cut was well liked, but in development many people made an statement on how it was missing and thus some different mindsets where created with like and dislike. We worked on including all of the 4 original AoF 2 color palettes.
    K' -> Modifications made for him to be a masterpiece by the producer, that's what we thought when we saw him. His 10th color is an tribute to a popular card game. (Toxico -> so it's not a windows reference )

    - Lastly a thank you.

    As a developer, I expect that those 10 extra colors will turn characters into "unexpected" feeling. Extra coloring these 7 characters was quite fun... Now working on the other 24 on the other hand would be... (laughs)

    - A big thank you for Yamaguchi, certainly I think that everyone thanks him for his work as well.

    Yamaguchi: .... (laughs)

    For those 10 colors we really wanted fans to "explore". Next update will be about the stages.

    -Uscito ufficialmente il mook è...........
    SPOILER (click to view)
    Teamups with a special illustration after the credits
    Already discovered:
    Ash Kyo K'
    Athena Yuri Kula
    Elisabeth Mai King
    Ash Duolong Shen

    Not yet on Net:
    Benimaru Robert Andy (Sub hero team)
    Hwa Chin King (Booze team)
    Goro Raiden Maxima (Giant men team)

    Changing the stage music
    In the beginning of the match, hold on the start button until the fight begins. The music will change to the opponent team's theme from KOFXI. Exceptions are Kim's team (KOF96 theme) and Female team (KOF2003 theme).

    Last boss path
    Score determines whether there's a boss battle after the 6th match during single player mode. Get over 2.5 mil points.

    concept personaggi
    SPOILER (click to view)
    The mook doesn't have Adel. There are however, flat, Rumblefish-like sprites of two unused characters (same way we saw Rumblefish-style sprites for everyone from XII in the Encyclopedia), both really cool.

    One is a Yagami-team member that has a Vice-esque stance (her other stance) and haircut. He looks kind like K9999 dressed in a long suit (not him, though - he has a "Yakuza crossed with a J-Rocker" feel) and the other is a Magaki/Saiki-looking boss in a wedding-gown-like outfit. They're both very angular, pure Nona. Lots of personality.

    This adds up to five characters that got into early spriting that got scrapped.

    The original version of Kula has a flatter chest, sharper angles and her hair is bulkier/cuter. From waist up looks definetly better than what we got. Legs are exactly the same, though. Mai looks more agressive (sharper angles, asian eyes, same pose but leaning more to the enemy), and you see more of her breasts. She looks like she means business, not friendly like the final version.

    ho finito :ph34r:
390 replies since 13/9/2008, 09:04   5945 views